More applications of MMM Ultrasonic Technology

Photo - video gallery of ultrasonic metallurgy tools and applications.

Gallery of ultrasonic metallurgy

This photo - video gallery showcases a variety of ultrasonic metallurgy tools and applications.


Wastewaters processing:
Wastewaters and dangerous liquids treatment, neutralization, sterilization, de-colorization, mixing and homogenization (using in-line, high flow rate, MMM tubular reactors).
Liquid Atomizers:
Liquid atomizers, large quantity spray/mist units, humidifiers, coating systems.
MMM Induction Heating:
Multifrequency, wide-band induction heating, alloying, liquid metals processing, advanced casting... Such induction heating systems can be operated like any other, traditional induction heating, and/or in MMM multifrequency mode. Using MMM induction-heating mode we can introduce multifrequency, wide band spectrum of mechanical oscillations inside of a liquid metal during casting in order to improve the cast quality (by means of multifrequency magnetic field, without touching a liquid metal. MMM can also be applied for fast and uniform 3-D heating. See
Metal Welding:
Advanced, stress-free metal welding (combined with multifrequency agitation).
Recuperation, Recovery, Recycling:
Accelerated precious (and other) metals recovery, recuperation, recycling (realized by high intensity MMM vibrations).
Elimination of material buildup, defrosting, boilers maintenance:
  1. Stone and mineral layers elimination from boilers and reservoirs
  2. Airframe ice protection
  3. Automobile windshield ice protection
  4. Ice buildup protection for marine vessels
  5. Refrigerator and freezer frost removal
  6. Aircraft Anti-Icing and Deicing Using
  7. Removal of mussels and other ocean life from marine vessels
  8. Elimination of material buildup in crucibles
Gas mixers:
For semiconductor industry, microelectronics, solar technology, petroleum and natuarl gas industry etc. Tubular, in-line, continuous-flow, high capacity and high flow rate.
Spray units:
For pharmaceutical technologies: Micro Spray, or micro atomizing units for fine powders production, for atomizing very small liquid samples without losses (applicable for almost any density and any viscosity liquids). Tubular or cylindric resonant chambers.
Ultrasonic machining:
MMM, ultrasonic transducer connected to metal or ceramic cutting tool. Benefits : higher speed of cutting, beter surface finishing.
Ultrasonic surface drying:
Airborne ultrasonic radiation projectors.
Ultrasonic defoaming:
Non contact, ultrasonic foam elimination from the liquid surface.
Ultrasonic Coating:
Surface coating with very fine layers realized by high capacity spray units.
Ultrasonic reactors:
Submersible, or externally driven, Tubular, Multifrequency Sonic and Ultrasonic Resonators. For Cleaning, Sonoreactors, Reactions Accelerating, Emulsifying, Homogenizing, making Suspensions, Degassing, Sonochemistry, Extractions, for treating liquid food products…
Micro encapsulation:
Pharmaceutical and food industry.
Multifrequency Reactors for fast organic and inorganic Extractions, Precious Metals Recovery (for usual as well as extremely aggressive liquids). High capacity, in-line, for continuous flow.
Ultrasonic filtration:
Fine filtration, self maintaining filters. In petrochemical industry, waste water treatments etc.
Sieving/Screening of powders:
Multifrequency MMM systems are used in order to avoid formation of a standing waves structure.

*** Other Imaginable Applications ***

  1. MMM technology in Radar and Sonar, Applications.
  2. MMM, Seismic Sources, detectors, analyzers.
  3. Modulation of laser and high intensity light beams (material/s processing applications).
  4. Applications related to Very High Intensity Electromagnetic field sources, where MMM generator is the source of oscillations, permanently in dynamic and evolving interaction with its environment (energy transfer, security systems…).
  5. MMM, Seismic Sources, detectors, analyzers.
  6. Modulation of laser and high intensity light beams (material/s processing applications).
  7. Applications related to Very High Intensity Electromagnetic field sources, where MMM generator is the source of oscillations, permanently in dynamic and evolving interaction with its environment (energy transfer, security systems…).
  8. Interactive perception-related, homogenously 3D-space-spread music (using evolving, active real-time feedback related to selected perceptive signals). Applications: Entertainment, medical psychotherapy.
  9. Structural, large domain NDT diagnostic and monitoring.
  10. Interactive perception-related, homogenously 3D-space-spread music (using evolving, active real-time feedback related to selected perceptive signals). Applications: Entertainment, medical psychotherapy.
  11. Active and automatic, large area defense and protecting systems.
  12. Structural, large domain NDT diagnostic and monitoring (MMM can be applied for fast and uniform 3-D heating. See
  13. Active and automatic, large area defense and protecting systems.