Examples of ultrasonic clamp-on systems from MPI Ultrasonics

Ultrasonic ultra-filtration system

Ultra-filtration system


Our ultrasonic technology offers new design flexibility and adaptability to most any size inline filtration system for micron or submicron materials dispersed in a liquid.


Ultrasonic Filtration Advantages:

  • Significant increase in flow rates.
  • Cleaner filter element
  • Ultrasonic acoustic effects actively reduce surface tension, cohesive forces, and/or adhesive forces.
  • Allows in-process self-cleaning of the filter for continuous processing.
  • Greatly improves reverse flow filter cleaning and deblinding.

Example Applications:

Ultrasonic ultra-filtration system

  • Micron and submicron materials dispersed in liquids
  • Metal powder slurry
  • Ceramic slurry
  • Biotech and Pharmaceutical products
  • Water and wastewater processing


New Technology Offers Adaptability: Clamp-on systems adapt easily to existing housing designs and can be readily retrofitted. Suitable for all filter types: Sintered Metal Filters, Membrane, Ceramic, etc.


More information as pdf (5Mb download - we recommend you RIGHT click this link and "Save Target As" to download the document complete): filtering & inline filter cleaning pdf

Ultrasonic cleaning in pressurized liquid CO2 - MMM ultrasonics acting through clamp-on sonotrodes excite the pressure vessel.

Pressure vessel (supercritical CO2)


When the cleaning medium is supercritical liquid carbon dioxide at a pressure of 300 bar, the reactor (cleaning bath!) must be a pressure vessel with a 25 mm wall thickness. The clamp-on MMM system makes ultrasonic agitation possible.

Examples of ultrasonics used in the process industry to improve flow rates of viscous liquids

Process industry


Some examples of MMM clamp-on ultrasonics used to improve the flow rates of viscous fluids in the process industry (click on the image for a larger view).

Examples of ultrasonics used in heat exchangers to continuously clean the pipes and permit longer service intervals.

Heat exchangers


Some examples of MMM clamp-on ultrasonics used in heat exchangers to continuously clean the pipes while in service (click on the image for a larger view).

Ultrasonics applied to plastic extruder heads offer reduced friction and higher flow rates

Extruders and pumps


Some examples of MMM clamp-on ultrasonics applied to plastic extruders. Benefits are reduced friction and higher flow rate (click on the image for a larger view).