Cleaning Piezos SPZT-4

Piezoceramics for ultrasonic cleaning: SPZT-4

These are standard sizes - specials are also available on request. Please contact MPI for price and delivery.

Some of the range of annular and circular piezoceramic disks SPZT 4 Dimensions of annular and circular piezoceramic disks SPZT 4











  Annular ceramic disks Circular ceramic disks
A3544C-W A3842C-W A4538C-W A5035C-W B3073C-W B3759C-W
D x d x T mm 35 x 15 x 5 38 x 15 x 5 45 x 15 x 5 50 x 16 x 5 30 x 5.5 37.2 x 6.35
Fr kHz 44 42 38 35 73 59
kP % >44 >45 >48 >49 >68 >68
R1   <10 <10 <10 <10 <5 <5
Qm   >1000 >1000 >1000 >800 >1000 >1000
C pF 2050 +5% 2550 +5% 3600 +5% 4650 +5% 1480 +5% 2100 +5%
TgΔ % <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
d23 x10-12 C/N >270 >270 >270 >270 >270 >270