The MASTERSONIC program represents a brand new approach in Sonic and Ultrasonic power supplies and equipment.
The MASTERSONIC power supply equipment is based on MMM Technology, which produces high efficiency active power in wide-band sonic and ultrasonic vibrations. MMM Ultrasonic Manual on pdf.
Wide-band sonic and ultrasonic energy (ranging in frequency from infrasonic up to the MHz domain) propagates through arbitrary shaped solid structures, heavy and very-thick-walls metal containers, pressurized reservoirs, very thick metal walls of autoclaves, etc. in many different mechanical structures and in liquids, such as ultrasonic cleaning systems. The secret to its application is a novel sonic / ultrasonic, multifrequency power supply (MMM Technology) that can initiate ringing and relaxing, modulated, multimode mechanical oscillations including harmonics and sub-harmonics. The system offers fine control and excellent repeatability from its programmable interface and produces high efficiency active power ranging from below 100 W up to many kW.
Multifrequency, Multimode, Modulated Sonic & Ultrasonic Vibrations (MMM Technology) can be excited in any heavy-duty conditions, producing pulse-repetitive, phase, frequency and amplitude-modulated bulk-wave-excitation covering and sweeping an extremely wide frequency band. Such sonic and ultrasonic driving creates uniform and homogenous distribution of acoustical activity on a surface and inside of the vibrating system, while avoiding the creation of stationary and standing waves, so that the whole vibrating system is fully agitated. Such multifrequency ultrasonic structural excitation is ideal for agitating arbitrary shaped liquid and solid masses at arbitrary distances and placed in open or pressurized vessels, containers, autoclaves, reservoirs and pipes, at any temperature, while maintaining optimum efficiency of electrical to acoustic energy transfer.
Fields of possible applications related to MMM Technology are: Advanced Ultrasonic Cleaning, Material Processing, Sonochemistry, Liquid Metals and Plastics treatment, Casting, Molding, Injection, Ultrasonically assisted sintering, Liquids Atomization, Liquids Mixing and Homogenization, Materials Testing, Accelerated Aging and Stress Release, Plastic and Metals Welding, etc.
In traditional ultrasonics technology, transducers have been designed to satisfy precise resonant conditions: In order to achieve maximal efficiency, all oscillating elements should operate on the same frequency. MMM technology can drive with high efficiency any complex mechanical system up to a mass of several tonnes, consisting of arbitrary resonating elements. MMM technology, instead of optimizing transducers to accept certain resonant frequency operation, optimizes the complex electrical driving (or signal shape) to be applicable to any specific oscillating structure, in a wide-band frequency domain, allowing mechanical designers to optimize their mechanical structures without limits.
All traditional sonic and ultrasonic actuators or transducers oscillate in a kind of simple or mixed, constant-frequency contraction-extension vibration mode. This usual mode of oscillations can be described when one or more, axial, lateral or any other space dimension of transducer is periodically changing length, following some simple sinusoidal function. Briefly, we can say that all conventional sonic and ultrasonic sources used in industrial, material processing, moderate and high power applications require as input an oscillating electrical signal, and produce as output an oscillating mechanical contraction / extension of proportional amplitude. The frequency may be relatively constant, varying just enough to compensate for temperature and load changes, or sometimes sweeps a narrow frequency band around a central operating frequency.
In contrast the high power Multifrequency, Multimode, Modulated Sonic & Ultrasonic system generates multimode mechanical oscillations in any mechanical system over a very wide frequency range.
Every elastic mechanical system has many vibration modes, plus harmonics and sub harmonics, both in low and ultrasonic frequency domains. Many of these vibrating modes are acoustically and/or mechanically coupled; others are relatively independent. The multimode sonic and ultrasonic excitation described here has the potential to synchronously excite many vibrating modes in solids and liquids (including harmonics and sub harmonics), producing high intensity vibrations that are uniform, homogenous and repeatable.
The oscillations of here-described sonic and ultrasonic source are not random - rather they follow a consistent pulse-repetitive pattern, being in the same time frequency, phase and amplitude-modulated by the control system. This avoids the creation of stationary or standing waves (typically produced by traditional ultrasonic systems operating at a single frequency) that generate regions of high and low acoustic activity. MMM technology provides great freedom of control, regulation and programming over all vibration, frequency and power parameters.
Ultrasonic Cleaning, Liquid Processing and all aspects of Sonochemistry, Plastic Industry and Metallurgy can benefit immensely from using Multifrequency, Multimode, Modulated Sonic & Ultrasonic Sources. MMM Ultrasonic Manual on pdf.